Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mission Statement

Once upon a time, I decided to eschew pragmatism, advice from concerned elders, and any hope that I would be fun and/or not obnoxious at parties, by majoring in the things that I love: English and Philosophy.  To add to the heart problems my parents were undoubtedly suffering in silence, I later picked a minor: Religious Studies.

It's been four years, and despite a job market that spits in the face of even those youngsters who have recently obtained "useful" degrees, I am optimistic that the knowledge I've accrued over the past four years is relevant.  To quote my convocation speech,
To everyone who might say that what we have studied for the past four years is somehow not as relevant—perhaps they have said that our passions are for “soft science,” for something “subjective” or “impractical,” let them know that what we have been studying is humanity, and in a world increasingly dominated by money and machines, that is an important thing.  Humanity is a word we cannot quite define, but we know one thing for sure: it is a shared affliction.  It is one burden on fourteen billion shoulders.
And I still stand by that.

All that fancy, idealistic stuff notwithstanding, uncovering the secrets of humanity, searching for truth and beauty, and holding knowledge to the toughest standards for the sake of our future generations are not what this blog is about.  I'll save that kind of stuff for my graduate work.

This blog is about looking at contemporary pop culture and asking the dumbest possible questions about it.  Leggings: are they pants?  My favorite band: are they objectively the greatest band of all time?  (Spoiler alert: I CERTAINLY THINK SO, AND HERE ARE THE TROLL LOGICKZ TO PROVE IT.)

I'm here to show that philosophy and critical theory nerds can have fun, and that YOU can have fun, too, if you delve into these fields!  DO IT AND YOU'RE COOL.  And poor.  But COOL.

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